Emily's 2 cents + Nate's 2 cents + a penny for your thoughts = Our 5 cents

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Happy 2012!

This will be our last year of co-grad school slumming it. Maybe we will hit the mark of having more than 5 blog posts - maybe even Nate will contribute his thoughts. Who knows!

As we have learned from 2011, anything can happen. Such as cars breaking down, Emily learning to charge her cell phone, Nate getting a fancy lawyer job in Boston for post-graduation, and Emily's program letting her finish her program long distance from Boston!

Here are some things we are hoping for 2012:

Nate will pass his bar exam.
Emily will pass her comprehensive exams.
Nate and Emily will move to Boston in one ( or two) pieces.
Emily and Nate will run 10 miles without dying in C'ville 10 miler.
Emily and Nate will learn how to put their shoes in the closet.

Please note that this list is not chronological, plauisilogical - as in the plausibility of these things actually happening.

So stay tuned! Who knows, there may even be another post some time in the next 100 days!

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